Slid works

wherever you learn




© 2023 Bebridge, Inc.

Learn faster & easier with

your learning co-pilot, Slid

Learn faster with

your learning co-pilot,


Get Started

  • Learning assistant with ChatGPT

    1-click capture

    Smart live-text

    Replay the captured part

    Record video clip

    Sharing note

    Grab text from images

    Notes in folders

    Desktop/Mobile app support

  • “Awesome just Loved it. It is easy to use and time saving rather than taking out the notes with pen and paper. I seriously like the feature of screenshot in which we can also comment the points in that image.”

    Shweta Mane

    “Earlier I used to take screenshots and then crop and copy paste in a folder and separate text files for the notes it used to consume so much time. Thank you for this app. This is so much helpful.”

    Manik Shekhar

    “Taking notes from online course has never been easier. I had to spend time in photoshop making slides that resembled the ones shown in the online courses. Slid has solved that problem for me. 👍”

    Romael Raina

    “Absolutely amazing! really helps me with my notes and convenient to use. Not only that but the customer support is amazing! I got help immediately on chat. Thanks a lot for this extension!”

    Parth Lokhande

    “Thank you Slid for being very helpful. I was facing an issue with downloading my notes so I tried to use the live chat option and problem solved in less than 5 minutes. Wonderful job!”

    Hansel Alexander

    “I have been using this extension as a guest user and I cleared my cookies and I lost my All docs. Then I contacted admin and I got my all docs within 1-2 hrs. Once again thanks a lot!”

    Zab shaikh

80K+ learners chose Slid

People from 178+ countries are growing together while sharing their notes

80K+ learners chose Slid

80K+ learners chose Slid

People from 178+ countries are growing together

while sharing their notes

People from 178+ countries are growing together

while sharing their notes

Slid Video-Note

Boost your learning

with Slid's Video-note

to capture knowledge

Reduce your note-taking time by 50% with Slid.

3D and data visualization

3D design foundation

AI Sliddy

Learn interactively

with your Slid notes

powered by ChatGPT

Make quiz or summarize your notes with AI Sliddy.

AI Sliddy


New Chat

Can you summarize my notes?

Let me summarize your notes. Here are the things a data analyst should know. Statistics basics, data visualization, data collection and stasis, and programming languages.

What is anonymous data collection?

Anonymous data collection is a data collection method that protects the identity of individuals by removing information that can identify them.

Slid works wherever you learn


Studying online videos
(YouTube, Coursera, etc)

Web Extension


Studying anything

(Zoom, Video files, etc)

Desktop App



through mobile YouTube

Mobile App

AI Sliddy

공부 노트를 쓰면


퀴즈와 요약까지

내 공부를 더 똑똑하게, 슬리드의 AI슬리디를 이용해보세요.

동영상 캡처 노트

유튜브, 줌 어디서나

필기와 캡처를 동시에

학습 효과 UP!

슬리드 사용자들은 50% 학습 시간이 단축되었어요.

3D and data visualization

Data visualization is the representation of data and information through visual elements

Using AI technology, Slid can easily transcribe

audio from the video into text.

Real-time Transcription

Slid is a way to store

knowledge and make it

more accessible.

From now on, let's go

grow faster with Slid!

If you miss something,

just click to review it again.

Replay the

captured part

You can record up to one minute of of video recording.

Record a clip


Copy the link and share it anywhere.

Share notes with one click

An activity where many people are asked the samevquestions in order to understand what most peoplevthink about a product


Easily extract text

from a video.

Grab Text

from Images

Easily organize your notes

with a Windows/MacOS-style

folder structure.

Notes in folders

작성한 노트를 공유하고

함께 성장하세요.

Check out how people are using Slid









IT Tutorial



AI Sliddy

Learn interactively

with your Slid notes

powered by ChatGPT

Make quiz or summarize your notes with AI Sliddy.

AI Sliddy


New Chat

Can you summarize my notes?

Let me summarize your notes. Here are the things a data analyst should know. Statistics basics, data visualization, data collection and stasis, and programming languages.

What is anonymous data collection?

Anonymous data collection is a data collection method that protects the identity of individuals by removing information that can identify them.

Slid Video-Note

Boost your learning

with Slid's Video-note

to capture knowledge

Reduce your note-taking time by 50% with Slid.

3D and data visualization

3D design foundation

Bring your online learning

to the next level with Slid.

If you miss something,

just click to review it again.

Replay the

captured part

Using AI technology,
Slid can easily transcribe

audio from the video into text.

Real-time Transcription

Slid is a way to store knowledge and make it more accessible.

From now on, let's go grow faster with Slid!

Copy the link

and share it anywhere.

Share notes

with one click

Easily extract text from video text

from a video with ease.

Grab Text from Images

An activity where many people are asked the samevquestions in order to understand what most peoplevthink about a product


You can record up to one minute of of video recording.

Record a clip


Easily organize your notes

with a Windows/MacOS-style

folder structure.

Notes in folders

Bring your online learning

to the next level with Slid

  • Mobile


    through mobile YouTube

    Mobile App

  • PC

    Studying online videos
    (YouTube, Coursera, etc)

    Web Extension

  • PC

    Studying anything

    (Zoom, Video files, etc)

    Desktop App